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Confirm all your reservations prior

Always travel after confirming your booking to avoid last minute rush. From taxi to lodging, book all your basic necessities through an authorised agent. Most important of all, do not forget to personally check and confirm your booking especially the air or rail tickets and lodging.

Keep it safe

Keep all your valuables safe in any of the hidden pockets. Do not carry a hefty amount of cash proffering opportunities to theft. Pay by card is always advisable. Make photocopies of your passport and leave one with your friends and another tucked into your bag. Or better, scan your passport and other valid documents and email a copy to yourself.

Travel light

Try and take less baggage at all times, you'll travel cheaper, faster and easier. Pre plan your itinerary, figure out the specific items you'll need for your trip and stick to that list. Try to mix and match everything, so you can coordinate more outfits with fewer clothes. And crack in attires befitting the climate or season where you are heading to.

Travel Reviews

Your first step to planning your holiday is to fix where to go. And this is when travel reviews come handy. Travel reviews will help you evaluate hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions of different places. But only consider recent posts and also take a look at the photographs. They would be more appealing than what those few words could encrypt.