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Top 10 Benefits Of Travelling In A Group

As they say, travel is the best way to broaden your spectrum of experience. The more you travel, the more you become aware of the world far and away. Though solo travels have become the norm of the day, travelling in groups is still preferred by majority of tourists. Why? There are plenty of reasons to list out. So here we go.

More people, more fun

As social animals, we enjoy group outings. Travelling to a far-off place will be more fun, if we have the right company with us. Whether it is star-gazing under a pleasant night sky, or bathing in the waves of oceans, it is good to have some company with us. Group trips have a special vibe to them. While travelling in groups, we feel less exhausted and become livelier, as the group energy rubs on to us.

Low cost trips

This is an important benefit of group travel that we cannot overlook. When going as a group, we can save on many expenses such as cab charges, guide charges etc. The amount we spend while on a trip is increased manifold, if you are planning to travel alone, instead of going with a group. If you approach reputed tour agencies, they offer competitive rates, and sometimes discounts too, depending on the number of travellers.

Better planning

Travel in a group

More travellers in a group means more brains at work. Proper dedicated planning by several individuals will definitely yield better results than individual planning. Also, when going in group, people mostly resort to well-established tour agencies. With our wide experience in conducting group tours, we will be able to give you the best experience. Should you wish to customise the group tours in a way suited to you and your group, you just need to collaborate with your tour provider.

Medical assistance

There are many people who have an undying passion for travel, but are sceptical about moving around due to their ailments. What if we contract some illness in the middle of nowhere? For such people, group tours are the remedy. When travelling as a group, we are mostly mindful of the needs of others in our group. For the smooth functioning of the trip, everyone has to be hale and hearty. So care and concern for others is guaranteed in every group tour.

New friendships

 group travel

Going with our family is one thing. But touring with a group of totally unrelated people also has its own thrill. This is especially so in case of overseas trips. Tour groups organised by companies may have people from many parts of India. The moment we step into a foreign land, we all become one. Along the course of the trip, we get accustomed to their ways of living. What better way to learn about new cultures than a group travel?

Pooling of resources

When embarking on a long trip, we are usually advised to keep a stock of all essentials such as medicines and some daily need items. If the tour is to an offbeat place, this requirement is to be stressed more. We may not get all essentials on top of a lonely mountain, or in the midst of a jungle. It is cumbersome to carry all items in your kitty. When in group, we can divide the essentials among group members. Won’t that save a lot of storage space?

Better bonding

What is the ultimate result of any tour? We come back as relaxed and peaceful individuals. What if we share those days with our family and extended family members? Every member of the group will have a lot to share after those happy days. Being together in a wonderful environment will create a better bonding with your family.

A tour guide

travel in Group with a guide

This is a benefit that we get in tours organised by reputed tour agencies. We, Fortune Tours  have our tour guide to assist the tourists. When going to overseas destinations, a local guide with full knowledge of the local attractions and food will give us the best experience. No need to search every nook and cranny of a new city, looking for your favorite food. Just ask the tour guide and he will help you.

Best spots in your itinerary

When we go about planning a trip all by ourselves, we might miss out on some of the best spots due to our lack of knowledge or experience. We rely on the online sources or the opinions of others who might have visited the place. But having the assistance of experienced hands is an advantage available to group tours, as they are mostly professionally planned. Well-planned group tours leave no room for a regret that we could have utilised our time in a better way. 

Memories galore

The best part of any tour is the happy memories that we carry back home. It takes just a revisit to those happy days to lighten up our days, even years after. Travelling in a big group means you are creating more wonderful memories, with more people in them. Share more photos, laugh more at those funny pranks, and go into that state of reverie. Won’t that be a better way to keep those memories from fading off?

Whether we travel alone or in a group, there is always something to amaze and amuse us. In order to make your group tour more fun-filled and exciting, tour operators are your best bet. They guide you along your trip, showing you the most popular and most exciting spots to visit. For an unforgettable travel experience to the most attractive locations go with Indian Group Tours and International Group Tours, one of the best tour operators in the country.