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10 Must-have Accessories for the Travel Buff

In today’s world, travel is an essential part of everyone’s lives. Whether for work or pleasure, travel is unavoidable. When we embark on a journey to a hitherto unknown land, we take utmost care to pack everything needed. Let us have a look at some accessories that will help every traveler.

Power Bank

Power Bank

An on-the-move charging facility is most essential for frequent travelers. Today, there are charging points in all public places such as airports and even in most vehicles. But suppose you are on a nature trail or a hike and your cell shoots a low charge warning signal. There is no way to find a charging point in the midst of jungle. This is when a power bank comes in handy.

Travel Adapter

This is a gadget needed by globetrotters who keep jumping from country to country. The charging systems and sockets will be different in different countries. Having a universal travel adapter will ensure that you can plug in your devices wherever in the world you are.

Document Organizer

 When travelling, the things that matter the most are your personal documents. If you are carrying hard cash, that is also to be safeguarded. Some people are highly unorganized when it comes to keeping their documents intact. Imagine being in an immigration queue and not finding where your passport is! A document organizer can help you keep all needed documents safe and properly arranged. 

First Aid Kit

First aid

A first aid kit is recommended whenever you leave the comforts of your home for a few days. And it is a must if you have kids in the travel group. A cold wind or an unexpected rain may not go well with kids. Don’t wait for the moment they fall sick to scurry for medicines. Instead of carrying a list of medicines, it is always better to carry a few of essential medicines in a kit. 

Reusable Water Bottles

As responsible travelers, it is the duty of each one of us to care about our environment as we tread on nature’s paths. While travelling, most people buy water bottles as and when they need it, and then throw the bottle carelessly. This huge plastic waste poses a big threat to nature. It can be avoided if we are sensible enough to carry our own reusable water containers.

Backpack Cover

Back Pack cover

A backpack cover can be an addition to your travel accessory if you are planning a ride or a trek. Riders are the ones who find this accessory inevitable for travel. A good backpack cover will protect their bags while riding along dusty and muddy roads. Even for trekkers, this can help save their belongings in case of sudden downpours.

Hand Sanitizer

Nobody wants to fall sick after a tour. But we can’t always be finicky about hygiene. So the best option is to carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you. Whenever you feel that your personal hygiene is being compromised because of the surroundings, rub it on to your hands and keep your body germ-free.\

Inflatable Neck Pillow

A neck pillow provides comfort when you have to sleep in a sitting position. This happens mainly in flying journeys. Keeping a neck pillow gives enough support to the neck and helps in sleep. If it is inflatable, it is even better. You need not save the space, and can blow it up only when you need it.

Eye Mask

Eye mask

While traveling in an airplane, how many times have you felt like yelling- somebody switch off all lights and make it total dark so I can sleep? Since this is not possible in public places and modes of travel, the best solution is to carry an eye mask. Though flight operators provide eye masks, they don’t serve the purpose most of the times. So getting a good quality soft mask can help you a lot in travel.

Ear Plugs

Like eye mask and pillow, an ear plug is also a comfort travel accessory. Many of us find it difficult to switch off our brains with even a slightest sound around. For them, ear plug is a boon. Put on the ear plug and shut the world before you. Even when you are not in a mood to sleep, having a comfortable ear plug will be a savior from a noisy co-passenger.

These are some but not all of the travel accessories that you can tick mark before your journey begins. Well packed, half the happiness guaranteed. Sometimes a trip isn’t fulfilling enough without someone to guide you along your way. Planning your trip with the best tour operators, Fortune tours is a sure shot way to ensure your journey is a thrilling and memorable experience.